What Does Your Mobile Case Show About Your Personality?

The case of your mobile phone or mobile case can “testify” a lot about your personality. For example, someone who has a case with Game of thrones waited for 8 seasons for winter to come, in the last episode he asked for leave from his job – we do not know if he got it – and today he is considered old-fashioned because he has passed 1, 5 years since then.
There are millions of mobile cases. Monochrome, multi-coloured, with patterns, with glitter, with cats, superheroes, food, outbursts, and the list goes on until nightfall. Among all, you choose one and “dress” your mobile phone or laptop, based on taste and interests.
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What Does Yours Show About Your Personality?
Match the case that looks more like yours and see if you can find common features!
Caution*Any resemblance to persons or situations is accidental.
Transparent Case
Easy to adjust. You do not like to catch the eye of publicity. No one could suspect that you have something to hide. Open book. This is exactly what you want others to think about you! The choice of the mobile case was made deliberately so that others could see innocence. But in fact, you have a “guilty” secret! They do not fit very well in your previous case: water, dust, oily hands. It lost its aesthetics. Its liveliness. It’s colour. You replaced it with a cheaper option. (Which allows the brand to be seen – between us).
Wallet Mobile Case
You are forward-thinking. You are so forward that you look back and see the future. You wait in line and send a message, but you know that at some point you will reach the checkout. That’s why you combine 2 functions in one: mobile and wallet. You may have inherited your aunt’s divination skills. Nobody knows.
Romantic Case You
love to wear jeans. In the mountain or sea dilemma, you choose a good company. You like Spring, the sunset and if you ever get a dog you will call it Marley. Your case sets the mood, although you prefer daisies because they are more reminiscent of your village.
Navy Blue Mobile Case
You drink your coffee plain. At a young age, you wanted to do art, but then mathematics won you over. You have excellent professions and when you travel abroad you first visit the archaeological museums. Your colleagues are happy to be involved in the same project and although you do not like the photos when you are inside the likes increase. Your favorite color is blue and it appears in your case.
Battery Case
You are the CEO of a company, entrepreneur, or junior supervisor and you run all day to meet customers. You often say the words “synergy”, “project”, “deadline” and you come in contact with an outlet early in the morning and late at night. Your smartphone is a tool and you do not intend to run out of battery. Okay, the truth is that you stayed 2,3,10 times and learned. That’s why your case supplies you with an extra battery. The work and the story do not wait.
Pheasants Case
You enter the space and magnetize the eyes. Your favourite season discounts. Your favourite Instagram filter is Rio De Janeiro. Do you think that the best “clicks” are made in front of the mirror? That’s why you change mobile cases as often as you change shirts or dresses. But you have two favourite cases and your feed is visible. You know better than anyone how to win impressions and your mobile phone matches your personality. (You disagree with those who say that the case is only useful).
Glossy Mobile Case
The “thoroughly sloppy” characterizes you. You will wear jeans with a shirt. You do not like selfies, but in group ones, you are first. You are a “cat person” and if you were shipwrecked on a desert island you would take with you an umbrella, sunscreen, and a sun mask. Your case fits perfectly with your shoes and it is not accidental, since you leave nothing to chance, except for the unanswered calls of your mom who will take it again.
Iron Man Mobile Case
You have younger brothers. In the past, you have been “accused” of being overprotective. Sometimes you overdo it, but you are always right. The hero syndrome is also manifested with good friends. You think that anyone who takes precautions has no reason to worry and this can be seen in your case.
Case For Animal Lovers
Your every move is a statement. You do not do anything by accident. You have an innate love for animals and that comes out. You have a cover photo with puppies on Facebook and a screen saver, something cats in the neighbourhoods, which you secretly feed at night. Your dream is to go on a safari in Africa. Your friends got the case as a gift because I knew how excited you would be and they wanted to take a video of you.
No Case
You are a free spirit. You live life to the limit. You are crossing the line. You take risks and make new decisions about your lifestyle. “Since Monday” you have started a gym 3 times. You once became a vegetarian for 1 day. At 35 you will do backpacking in Asia. Life does not want cases! Life wants freedom! Deep down, all your self-confidence stems from your optimism based on 2 truths:
1. In the end everything will go well, and if it does not go it means that the end has not come
2. If something happens to the mobile, there are also repair stores.
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