The Importance Of The Speed Of Your Website

For SEO positioning, everything counts, down to the smallest detail and the speed of your website, so you have to have your perfect website without errors and failures; otherwise, the tycoon Google will penalize you. And what happens if Google penalizes you? The answer is very simple. It will be as if you did not exist on the internet. Remember that the search engine rules to position yourself on the first pages of searches.
By being in the top positions, your web traffic will increase considerably. If your traffic increases, your sales will also increase; your business or company will grow until you reach your goals. But if you don’t have optimal web page loading speed, users will get bored waiting for it to load and leave. And that does not like Google at all.
The loading speed of your website matters
The loading speed is essential because if your web page takes a long time to load, Internet users will go to the competition, which is why the loading has to be as fast as possible.
Also, that is one of the features that score for search engine positioning. It must be remembered that optimizing the load is not the only requirement to opt for the first positions, but it is one more of all that there is.
But if you want to know why your load has to be optimized, pay attention to the following points:
- You will sell less, and the competition will take away ground: buyers will leave if they see that your website does not work. This will cause your bounce rate to be lower.
- If your web page loads efficiently, the ‘spiders’ of the search engines will find you easily. Remember that you are qualified as spiders; they give you a maximum time.
- If the web page is fast, your visitors will be happier and will not complain.
These causes will generate benefits on your website, such as
The more the loading speed, the more conversion
conversion is that Internet users take the action you want them to take. Remember the loading optimization since if your website is slow, only 20% of your traffic will endure and carry out a purchase.
More speed will also influence the bounce
so you can understand it, the bounce rate is the set of all the people who enter and leave your web page without interacting. Many studies confirm that Internet users do not wait more than 10 seconds for a page to load 100%; if it takes longer, the abandonment by Internet users will be very broad. Likewise, you must have an optimization adapted to mobile devices, tablets, and smartphones.
Search engine ‘spiders’ spend a predetermined amount of time crawling the web. This is because of the resources used by Google robots. If you generate a lot of content, the bots will only have time to review some things.
How do I know the loading speed of my page, and what do I have to fix?
Google puts at our disposal a very good free tool that indicates our website’s score in terms of its loading speed. It’s called Google PageSpeed Insights. In a matter of seconds, you will know your web page’s loading speed for mobile phones and PCs.
The most common errors that your website will have and that must be fixed to improve speed are the following:
Compress images. Images larger than 1 Mb make our website load very slowly.
- Minify JavaScript
- Specify the cache in the browser.
- Remove render-blocking JavaScript and CSS from top-of-the-page content.
As you can see, if you are not an expert in these issues, you will have to find someone to solve the ballot for you. Now that you know all the details, take care of your website.
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