The Drones Revolution: From Shows And Rescues To Logistics And Air Taxis

Drones are increasingly positioned as one of the great innovation solutions for various sectors such as transport, entertainment and agriculture. It is on its way to becoming a benchmark in terms of the development of this technology, with companies such as Aerocamaras, Umiles Group and Flock Drone Art.
It was in a small town in Galicia called Lalín where Jaime Pereira began to take flight for one of the world’s drone companies with 360-degree services that range from drones for maritime logistics such as Maritime and DronetoYacht drones to drones created for loading and unloading logistics at sea. Aerocamaras also knew how to react in times of extreme need, such as the pandemic, launching Aereocovid, launched to reduce human contact as much as possible.
In the eruption of the La Palma volcano, he helped himself with a cargo drone adapted to rescue two podencos trapped by the mountains of ash. We must not leave aside our designs, such as the AeroHyb Hexacopter drone, a hybrid aircraft that combines electricity and gasoline. So far, the drone with the most extended autonomy on the market is around seven hours of flight.
Training In Handling These Devices
Another fundamental pillar of this company is training in handling these devices. Aerocamaras has trained more than 30,000 students, among which stand out: the state security forces and bodies. Provides them with the necessary knowledge for the use of drones in emergencies, fire prevention, rescue work, capacity control or citizen security, or field workers who, thanks to this technology oriented towards precision agriculture, with multispectral sensors, thermal and RGB cameras manage to have greater surveillance and control over the evolution of their plantations.
In the economic field, the company does nothing but grow. In 2021, it achieved a turnover of seven million euros and a forecast for this year of 10 million euros, creating almost 50 new jobs since 2019.
In the words of Jaime Pereira, CEO of Aerocamaras, referring to 2021: “In these years we have managed to capture 75% of the national drone market. We have known how to surround ourselves very well. Both with our team and with suppliers and collaborators who make our day our goal is to continue helping everyone to achieve their dream of flying a drone, build a professional future specialized in the unmanned aircraft sector and continue offering our best service in all operations deployed in the different countries of the world. world”.
But drones can also become a means of transport for people, and that is what the Umiles Group company wants to demonstrate, which last year already presented a 100% Spanish air taxi prototype at the World ATM Congress, the most relevant event at the international level. in which the issue of air traffic, both manned and unmanned, is put on the table. This year the company will present, together with Umiles Next, at the fair to be held at IFEMA on June 21, 22 and 23, the FlyFree technology, the name that the company has given to its patented flight stability system.
Drones in the entertainment
Another field in which this technology is becoming more and more important is in the world of entertainment. According to sources in the sector, the drone industry in the entertainment world will grow by 10% per year over the next ten years. A clear example that highlights the rise of drones in the world of entertainment is the case of the Catalan company Flock Drones.
The startup has participated in more than 20 events in the last two years. According to what they say: “The world of culture and entertainment is one of the sectors that generate the most business for companies like ours, and represents 50% of our billing”. Turnover amounting to 250,000 euros in the last year. These good data have been translated into a growth forecast for 2022 of 200%.
Drones in the entertainment world are presented as a complement and even an alternative to fireworks, which would be replaced by swarms of drones with the consequent reduction in the emission of harmful gases and a notable decrease in noise pollution.
Marketing and advertising are also riding the wave of drones, as more and more large companies use these crewless aircraft to carry out marketing campaigns. The fashion, automobile and tourism sectors are the ones that use this technology the most to generate audiovisual content. From Flock Drone Art, they believe that in the coming years, the demand for drones by companies for their campaigns will grow by more than 50% since complex plans can be made with the same economic investment.
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