Registering a Website As a Media: Advantages And Disadvantages

The Internet is making more and more progress every day. Now it is difficult to find a media outlet that does not have its own online version. Every day, they publish informative articles on their pages, trying to attract an audience. The Internet is one of the most efficient ways to transfer information quickly. Online media not only compete with traditional media, but even surpass them .
Now people have less time to read newspapers or watch TV, they spend more and more time on the Internet and social networks. Therefore, placing information in the reach of any citizen makes work much more efficient.
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Is It Obligatory To Register The Site As a Media
Registration of sites as media is voluntary, but recently a law was introduced, according to which popular sites, gaining more than a thousand views per day, must have media status. However, such a step does not always justify itself, having both positive and negative aspects.
Benefits Of Registering a Website As a Media
This solution entails a fairly extensive list of advantages that can bring significant benefits to their owners:
The main advantage is the possibility of exemption from responsibility . If the rights of third parties are violated, in some cases, the media can be exempted from liability. The list of such cases is quite extensive, so this is undoubtedly a positive side. The site owner will not be responsible for information or interviews posted without pre-moderation.
Possibility to send editorial questions , the answer to which should be received within a week. Regular sites can use a standard appeal, but the terms of its consideration are increased to a month. In most cases, this is too long, because information tends to become outdated, so such work becomes unprofitable.
Possibility of cooperation with news aggregators.
People who fill out the feed of such a site will automatically be assigned the status of a journalist ,which means they will also own their rights.
The ability to publish municipal acts.
The right to conduct accreditation with the further acquisition of new opportunities.
The possibility of using personal data , which makes it possible to greatly expand the personal activities of a journalist. This manifests itself in absolutely any branch of journalism: from scientific to literary.
It can be concluded that registering a website as a media is very beneficial, but what should people do who do not need the guarantees provided by the Law on Mass Media?
In Such Cases, a Number Of Advantages Are Also Highlighted That Can Make a Choice In Favor Of The Media:
Protection of the site name . Copyright protection applies only to those sites that are very popular, or whose names contain some feature. For this reason, there are duplicate sites containing the same name. Then disputes begin: who invented earlier? Registration of the site as a media will help out here. Even projects without an original name can use this method to protect their name.
If we follow the adoption of new bills, we can conclude that soon the registration of sites as mass media will become a mandatory procedure . And having rummaged in the wilds of the Internet, it is easy to notice that most of the sites have identical names. Accordingly, those who did not have time to be the first will have to change the whole concept in order to register their site as a media. This is due to the fact that copyright will be protected, therefore, duplication of names is not allowed.
The main disadvantages of registering a site as a media
Everywhere there is a downside, which implies negative sides:
Payment of duty . The total amount is 8,000 rubles. Although it is not too large, some are repelled by this obstacle.
Registration directly . Many people think of this as a long and tedious process, but this is not at all the case. Everything is very simple, but for detailed information, you can refer to the search engines.
Having your own Charter . This is a prerequisite, but the exception is those organizations that have less than ten journalists in their “staff”. They are allowed to use the Memorandum of Association instead of the Articles of Association. The charter must be provided no later than three months after the registration of the site. It is also worth considering the mandatory information that must be present in such a document. Additional conditions are prescribed only if the founder is not one, or the organization and the founder are not represented in one person.
Should You Register Your Site As a Media Outlet?
The correctness of such a decision depends solely on the purpose of the site and its future goals. It is also worth considering the composition of the editorial board and the number of employees in general . This procedure is paid, so few people would like to throw money out into the air. Before making a decision in this situation, it is worthwhile to first prioritize possible prospects for the site in the future.
Only on the basis of general information can you decide whether to do this or not. Although the decision to register a site as a media carries a huge number of positive aspects, not everyone has the opportunity to use them with maximum benefit for themselves, so they often become simply
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