Professional Skills, If You Don’t Develop Them, You’re Not Worth It.

In how many moments of life have we heard if this or that person is competent or not for a specific position? Are we clear about the requirements to be? What are human resources managers based on to recognize our professional competence?
Any candidate can know a lot and have a brilliant resume, but if he cannot put all his knowledge into practice, he will not be helpful for the organization. This would be a straightforward definition of what we all understand by professional competence, that is, the ability to put our knowledge into practice and deal firmly with a certain level of difficulties that may arise on a day-to-day basis. This requires other skills and abilities.
As an example, according to the Report on Professional Skills and Employability of the CES (Economic and Social Council of Spain), among the most sought after are:
- Responsibility and commitment to the objectives of the organization.
- Initiative and dynamism.
- Capacity for teamwork.
- Creative attitude.
- Disposition to continuous learning.
- Inclination to innovate and learn new working methods.
- Pursuit of quality.
- Customer orientation.
- Communication skills and capacity for effort, flexibility, or organization.
But what are professional skills?
Of course, apart from these skills, which have been called ‘ transversal ‘ or ‘ soft skills, ‘there are some specific technical skills for each position called ‘ hard skills ‘ and some basic skills required of practically everyone. The world, how to read, add…a part of the course is the minimum social requirements of conduct such as punctuality, respect for the rules of coexistence, common sense or personal hygiene.
Now, each person can participate in developing their professional skills throughout their career, which is something positive that the organization they work for should encourage because, after all, it will result in their competitiveness.
One way to do this is through ‘ organizational learning. ‘ It is a process of innovation and transformation within organizations born in the 1960s. It is based on indirect and continuous professional training through cooperation between team members through communication, dialogue, individual detection, and collective errors. The aim is that the information is transformed into knowledge, which translates into greater productivity.
Another way to increase professional skills is through the implementation by the organization of planned training actions after determining what skills are required. This can be known through interviews or different evaluation methods or tests.
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