Online Security In Your Business: Everything You Need To Know

Online security has become a necessity. This is because cybercrime is one of the most lucrative illegal activities. Today, there are few companies where the documentation they use is not computerized.
Therefore, it is unsurprising that criminals have found this area a perfect setting to commit their crimes simply and often with impunity. However, we are not entirely exposed. As cybercrime has increased, so has cybersecurity.
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The simplest security measures
Before you start, you can follow a series of straightforward and helpful security measures to improve the online protection of your business:
- Keep your Internet browser clean.
- Use the most secure passwords possible.
- Avoid using social networks at work.
- Have a fast WiFi connection.
Most common types of cybercrime in companies
According to the data collected in the Internet Organized Crime Threat Assessment (IOACTA 2016) carried out by Europol, cybercrimes already exceed those committed in a ‘traditional’ way. Of the eight computer crime trends that are on the rise and that this study includes, four are related to business management:
payment fraud
They are attacks that occur both in ATMs and in transactions through websites. It appears above all in contactless card payments and is therefore not insured.
They are the most prevalent malware in banking operations and one of the most persecuted by cybersecurity companies. It is malicious software that hijacks valuable information in exchange for financial compensation. One example is the recent WannaCry case, which affected companies in at least 150 countries.
Criminal use of information
In this case, hackers access databases to collect all the documentation that may be useful when extorting money from the affected companies.
social engineering fraud
It consists of using identity theft to obtain benefits during operations that are not what they appear to be. Hoaxes and scams with authentic appearance facilitate getting confidential data (account numbers, credit cards, passwords…). Its most common forms of manifestation are phishing, CEO fraud, pretexting, and email scams in the form of spam.
What security actions can you assume to save your business?
The risks you expose yourself to every time you connect to the Internet do not have to become a severe problem if you implement the appropriate online security system in your business.
The starting point should always be the installation of a good antiviruses that guarantees to browse through secure pages and to block possible threats that expose your business to eventual cyber-attacks. Starting from this base, you can begin to include other additional protection measures:
- Never use open WiFi networks, much less for connections that require the introduction of personal data and passwords.
- Have a routine for making backup copies and always keep them current.
- Keep your equipment updated and invest in technology ( data protection software and email verification).
- Train your employees in the use of online security systems.
- An exciting option is to store your company’s data in the cloud. Cloud storage saves resources since the service provider provides much of the security.
- Have your website on a secure domain or HTTPS.
Effects of cyber-attacks on companies
A cyber attack on your company or business always translates into economic losses. Although initially, the threat is not associated with a monetary issue, any action that slows down the normal functioning of your work implies a loss of resources, time, and, therefore, benefits.
Computer attacks affect both SMEs and large companies. However, perhaps small and medium-sized companies are more resentful due to their fewer resources. If your company is one of the businesses that suffer the most thefts, you may be interested in investing more in security.
Thinking about the concept of safe life requires not losing sight of this type of crime that uses the Internet as a scenario. Luckily, even though attack methods are changing rapidly, Internet users are increasingly aware of the need to protect their computers against cybercrime and are more familiar with this type of fraud.
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