Importance Of The Agile Frameworks Approach In Software Projects

Currently, there are several approaches when approaching a project, particularly a software development project. This time we will focus on the agile frameworks process and the frameworks it encompasses, as well as its advantages and practicality in the changing technological world. Remember that being precisely elegant is not an option but a smart choice. Keep reading!
Table of Contents
Methodologies or Frameworks?
It must be emphasized that under the agile approach, what we have are frameworks, although they could also be called methodologies since, according to the agile manifesto, the term does fit; however, this must be taken into consideration because normally, a methodology implies a series of established and strict steps to achieve an end. On the other hand, agile frameworks or frameworks are rather flexible and allow them to adapt to the reality of each company, giving them the guidelines to follow and the principles to be governed by. Still, not having to take them all strictly but rather what is best works for them.
A key concept, also in this topic, is the iterations that could be considered as the heart of these frameworks; This is because they work under the thought of short cycles with deliveries of functional advances of the product under a scheme of continuous improvement and adaptations to eventually changing requirements.
To understand the importance of agile frameworks, we need to know why they came into existence, And it is that. Before this approach, what was in the mainstream was the waterfall and spiral path; however, despite their advantages, they presented two very big problems. One of them is the little involvement of the client; This generated little adaptation to change once the project has started, and also the abundant planning and documentation in the early stages of the project that developed little practical use for the user.
Although different agile frameworks and methodologies came into existence before 2000, such as Scrum in the ’80s, XP and Crystal Clear in the mid-’90s, it was in 2001 that a group of notable software development connoisseurs published a document that would radically change how software was developed until then. They postulated four values that would revolutionize the way of approaching a project.
Agile Values
We have Scrum, Kanban, XP, and Lean within the agile frameworks or methodologies. All of them share the following pillars:
- People and their interactions are about processes and tools
- A well-made product is more important than exhaustive documentation
- Collaboration with the client goes above business and contracts
- The rapid adaptation to change done effectively goes beyond a rigid plan
software today
After reading these pillars, where agile methodologies and frameworks are supported, we can realize the importance of applying them in today’s software development projects. These mostly have the following characteristics:
- The requirements in the early stages are not entirely clear.
- The client is willing to collaborate throughout the software development life cycle; if this will mean a well-made product that meets its objectives.
- In most cases, the business’s logic or the market’s characteristics are changing, and the development of a product made for that market cannot be exempt from this reality.
- It is expected to have a minimum functional version or MVP of a product in a reasonably short time and not wait until a schedule is completed, which is often not met.
- The products are developed by more than one professional, with many roles in the project, working as a team and with a continuous improvement mentality.
Let’s analyze each one of the characteristics of the current software development projects. We can realize, then, the great importance, as well as the reason for the rise of the agile approach, especially in the software industry. For this reason, its application is now a recommended standard for any team in the innovative and changing technological world we live in today.
There are well-defined roles, a stack of requirements whose list is known as the “product backlog”, and functional versions of the product are developed in short sprint cycles, in addition to specific and direct meetings with the team. This way of working aligns with the reality of most technological products today.
functional deliveries
For today’s market, in the software industry, a big launch after a long structured and rigid process is no longer so useful. On the other hand, a better option is several functional and tested deliveries that consolidate a great product. Therein lies the importance of agile frameworks and their application well done.
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