How To Attract Talent to Companies: 6 Keys To Achieving It

There are two types of companies: those committed to having quality workers and caring about generating talent and those that prefer to have employees without further ado. Where are the differences detected? In the selection process, while the former is looking for motivated people who fit the profile and have the sharpness and ingenuity for the position, the latter wants to replace the previous person and get the job done daily.
These are some of the “rules” or keys for a company to attract people who give the ideal profile for the position being offered:
keys for a company to attract people profile for the position
Use marketing. It is essential to have a good company or brand image and the perfect strategy. It is very important that the worker feels part of the company, not a simple employee who does his job without any motivation or emphasis. The selection process is the perfect time to publicize the company’s values and develop strategies to attract talent. The company culture, vision, and mission must be transmitted to the future candidate and communicate exactly what the position needs.
- Promote the adaptation process. Once we get that person we were looking for so much to come to the company, we have to take care of him to keep him. Therefore, in the adaptation period, new employees must have the necessary people and tools to take their first steps and not feel left out. The last thing we want is to make them feel like they are not part of the company.
- Salary is one of the most appropriate incentives for a worker, if not the most important. Therefore, offering social benefits, medical insurance, transportation, food, emotional salary or any incentive that supposes an added value to the base wage will make the offer more attractive and make them want to be hired.
- We live in a complex society whose rhythms can make it difficult to reconcile work and personal life. Flexibility within companies is, therefore, a highly valued point among staff. Therefore, promoting flexible hours and promoting, whenever possible, working from home can make talent knock on the company’s doors.
- Training and professional career development can be key to success in the talent search. We must bear in mind that workers do not want to stay in the same position forever, or, if they do, it is not appropriate, since what we are looking for is talented and motivated people who are ambitious to achieve their goals. . Offering training and supporting employees in their career path can prevent a potential brain drain.
- We spend many hours at work, so creating a comfortable environment and having a respectful and healthy climate are factors that many workers take into account not only when looking for a job but also when considering staying when another interesting offer comes their way. Companionship, teamwork, and individual and group recognition must be encouraged.
The workers are the company’s main value, and we must not forget it. Without them, the function of the company could not be performed. Therefore, attracting talent and retaining it through “employee engagement” is necessary.
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