How Oracle Test Automation Can Assist In The Betterment Of Software Quality

Oracle is a renowned corporation, offering the application suites to the business. These suites help organizations by streamlining their day-to-day operation. Oracle releases frequent updates to remain competitive in the current landscape of the market and fulfill customer requirements. Organizations need to install these updates to use the Oracle application. However, installing these updates directly is not great, as it can misbehave with the system. That’s where Oracle testing comes into the picture to help organizations keep updated with frequent updates.
Nowadays, all organizations use automation methods to test their application suites due to technical advancement. Automation testing saves time, effort, and money and has various benefits, but implementing Oracle test automation has various challenges. This blog will explore the complexities and methods to overcome them.
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Complexities Associated With Oracle Test Automation
Cross-Platform and Browser Compatibility
The compatibility between different operating systems, web browsers, and devices is crucial to ensure the optimal performance of Oracle applications. Creating and maintaining test scripts for Oracle test automation that run seamlessly across multiple platforms and browsers might be challenging for organizations as they support different technologies and behavior.
Test Data Management
Generally, Oracle applications depend on extensive data and have complex data structures. For performing accurate testing, the test must be isolated, relevant, and consistent but generating, managing, and maintaining the test data might be challenging that can display the accurate world scenario. During the Oracle test automation, businesses must manage the test data, and its security and privacy are also a concern.
Application Complexity
Generally, Oracle applications possess complex nature, including various integrations, modules, and customization. Conducting tests on these applications requires a thorough understanding of business processes, underlying architecture, and data structure. Automating these applications might require in-depth knowledge and advanced scripting skills in Oracle technologies.
Synchronization and Timing Issues
All the Oracle applications have their functionality based, and they might have long-running tasks, asynchronous processes, and background jobs. To automate the test, a script must be created for validation that can handle synchronization and timing issues between the applications, ensuring the expected state of the applications. Some specific events might require careful scripting and synchronization mechanisms.
Application Updates
Oracle releases at least four updates once a year, and these frequent updates ensure that all the bugs are resolved. However, updates can change the underlying technology stack, functionality, and user interface. For the test, scripts should be modified accordingly so the applications are compatible with the latest updates. Keeping up with the latest updates and managing the test scripts accordingly can be challenging.
Setting Up a Stable Test Environment
Setting up test scripts in a stable environment can be challenging as Oracle applications require access to databases, dependencies, and some specific configurations.
Collaboration Between Team
Building a team with the necessary Oracle application knowledge and technical skill can be challenging. Maintaining effective collaboration between teams, such as developers, testers, and business stakeholders, is crucial to ensure successful automation.
How to Overcome Oracle Test Automation Complexities?
Test Environment Management
A robust environment can aid you in dealing with the challenge of Oracle test automation. For a better environment, you should collaborate with infrastructure and database teams. Also, document the necessary data requirements, dependencies, and necessary configuration.
Error Handling and Reporting
In the test scripts, implement the error handling mechanism to detect the bugs and report failures effectively. Incorporate the required functionalities to get comprehensive and actionable feedback.
Comprehensive Test Strategy
Developing a test strategy, especially for Oracle test automation, should include an approach for automation, scope, and goals. Don’t forget to add data management, test case selection, environment setup, and test execution.
Test Data Management
Data management is crucial during the Oracle test automation, so develop a strategy to manage your test data effectively. You can leverage the data generation tools to represent the data. In a nutshell, create a test data management environment where you can ensure the safety and security of data.
CI/CD is essential to detect bugs early and provide faster feedback. You can leverage tools support the CI/CD framework.
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