Cost Savings In IT

Businesses are currently experiencing the most urgent time for annual planning and budgeting. In many management teams, IT is perceived as a unit that is difficult to understand and usually too expensive. The company management expects to take their own needs into account at the same time as the IT department presents investments in the maintenance and development of the basic environment. Business profitability with G suite cloud solution.
The question you always get is: How can we make cost savings in IT?
However, no one asks the more relevant question: How can we make a good investment in IT to reduce our fixed costs in the long run?
Table of Contents
How do you see your cost savings in IT?
The IT language with three-letter abbreviations, technical jargon, and complex diagrams is often found by company management difficult to understand or uninteresting. The competitiveness and continuity of companies are increasingly dependent on the IT environment. IT internally, can not be developed as a separate business area by only an IT organization determined by the company. The risks, opportunities, and development needs must be identified in collaboration with the business’ goals and security for the users in terms of noticeable cost savings in IT.
Map your environment, reduce hidden costs and prioritize development measures
In addition to different development needs, IT is usually also exposed to cost pressures. To create an overall picture, it is necessary to map the entire IT environment continuously. Network and device environment, licenses, business applications, data security and protection, service agreements, user support, and guidance weigh in when saving.
Typical places for development and improvement are for example
Device Management
- There is no easy visibility in the hardware environment.
- The device register is not updated.
- Commissioning and decommissioning of equipment are complicated.
- Information security policy is missing.
- Mobile devices are not under central management.
- Updates cannot be performed efficiently.
Security And Protection
Guidelines and methods for security have not kept pace with the development of security threats and the measures required by the Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have remained.
License invoicing is incorrect when the user and license registers are out of date.
The organization has unnecessary software and/or very little software.
Additional paid features can be replaced by switching to a more affordable license.
Telecommunications subscriptions should be put out to tender, even if agreements were signed a few years ago – subscriptions are constantly evolving and there are significant price differences.
There are also significant hidden costs when subscriptions for some reason do not work and work is disrupted.
Ineffective Working Methods – Cost Savings In IT
Most organizations use Microsoft tools, Cloud computing but unfortunately often inefficiently.
In the absence of common guidelines and practices, employees each learn their own way of dealing with all incorrect or even unsafe methods.
Waste of time is spent looking for documents, learning to use group tools, and storing the same information multiple times on different systems.
Prog-It has been developing its customers’ IT environments for more than half of a century. Through our experience, we are particularly well aware of small and medium-sized business needs and identify unnecessary fixed costs and bottlenecks in the IT environment. As an independent operator, we compete, for example, for telecommunications subscriptions for you.
Our customers have achieved 20–50% savings in various IT areas and increased productivity significantly. Needs assessments for the entire operation and priority proposals for development and efficiency measures will be completed in a few days when needed. And most importantly, our proposals are in a form that serves both the business and the IT organization in joint operational planning and budgeting.
Also Read : Budget In The Company, Tools To Prepare It